For frustrated job-seekers looking to hear what hiring managers won't tell them: what's wrong with their resume. Get 30 minutes of laser-focused feedback on your resume along with specific tactics, strategy, and content suggestions you can implement immediately that will lift your spirits and turn your job search around.
It's cathartic to learn why your resume isn't working. In therapy, change starts with identifying the problem. And that's exactly what we'll do in discussing your resume: free you from the story that's preventing progress. You will be inspired to dive back into your resume and make changes.
There isn't a work history problem we can't overcome in your life or on your resume.
At the end of the session, you'll have the blueprints for a stronger resume. More importantly, you'll feel a renewed confidence from gaining a clearer sense of why you're great for the work you have chosen.
In restructuring your resume, we'll not only change the story you tell and the results you achieve, we'll change the way you see yourself.
Job seekers who have their resumes professionally prepared by us are not only more likely to get interviews, they’re more likely to succeed in the interview process and win higher paying jobs.
Your resume is the most important document you will ever need to create.
Leave it to the experts.
For goal-driven careerists who know their target and are seeking to improve their in-person storytelling and presentation. Learn to navigate every type of job interview with confidence in order to gracefully advance through the hiring process.
Once you have your story straight, it's easy to answer trick questions. We have some great strategies to equip you to handle whatever they throw at you.
Your story needs to be detailed, compelling, and believable. The people on the other side of the table need to see themselves in your future. Let's put them there.
Whatever your concerns, you can be the candidate they want.
You already have all the elements of a good story. It's just a matter of picking out the strongest plot points and linking them together in a way that builds empathy, hope, and excitement.
Job seekers who have their resumes professionally prepared by us are not only more likely to get interviews, they’re more likely to succeed in the interview process and win higher paying jobs.
Your resume is the most important document you will ever need to create.
Leave it to the experts.
For career adventurers looking to put a name on their interests, discover job roles and fields that suit them best, and generate a prioritized list of career options. This is a great starting point if you’re open to new possibilities and just want to know what’s "out there" for you.
Take the Strong Interest Inventory: answer a series of questions online and get a 10-page report, including a long list of job options you can start researching immediately.
We are an authorized CPP assessment administrator, which means we've been specifically trained to run and interpret these reports that have been a staple in career counseling for decades.
We've done hundreds of these assessments for people of all experience levels. It's a great way to really zero in on what you're all about, learn about careers you may have overlooked, and gain some focus on where you can go from here.
Job seekers who have their resumes professionally prepared by us are not only more likely to get interviews, they’re more likely to succeed in the interview process and win higher paying jobs.
Your resume is the most important document you will ever need to create.
Leave it to the experts.
For anyone eager to learn what makes them tick in terms of core traits, preferences, tendencies, and work styles. Expect a few “a-ha” moments and acquire specific language useful in presenting yourself in interviews and networking meetings.
Take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), one of the most well-known and trusted psychology assessments used by HR teams and managers all over the world. Answer a series of situational and behavioral questions and get a report back explaining your distinct personality traits, work styles, and preferences.
We are an authorized CPP assessment administrator, which means we've been specifically trained to run and interpret these reports that have been a staple in career counseling for decades.
Companies use the MBTI all the time to understand employees' strengths and facilitate better communication in the workplace.
People who take the MBTI feel a sense of validation. They appreciate removing the mystery behind why and how they act. We've done hundreds of these assessments for people of all experience levels. It's always gratifying to witness.
Job seekers who have their resumes professionally prepared by us are not only more likely to get interviews, they’re more likely to succeed in the interview process and win higher paying jobs.
Your resume is the most important document you will ever need to create.
Leave it to the experts.